Lot #11 - Dilke, Charles Wentworth, Sir - Greater Britain : a record of travel in English-speaking countries during 1866 and 1867. Volume I.
Auction House:Webb's
Sale Name:The C.L. Thomas Collection
Sale Date:21 Mar 2012 ~ 12noon
Lot #:11
Lot Description:Dilke, Charles Wentworth, Sir - Greater Britain : a record of travel in English-speaking countries during 1866 and 1867. Volume I.
1st ed. London : Macmillan and Co, 1868. 8vo. x, 404, 47p. Frontispiece coloured plate, illustrations, maps. 1602. Green cloth. Volume I only. References to New Zealand. G to G+. -
Estimate:NZ$50 - 50
Realised Price:
Category:Books & Manuscripts
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